Friday, January 8, 2016

Veganism and Environmentalism???

Saw a post on Facebook earlier today talking about how veganism is better for the environment and claiming that 'you cannot be a true environmentalist if you eat meat'.

My response...

So what???

Do you honestly think omnivores CARE what PETA and vegans think about vegans claiming that they are not true environmentalists? They don't. They don't care one bit. Asides from feeling insulted, of course.

If vegans really want to stop people from eating meat they are going to have to declare war and start killing all the omnivores. Because otherwise nothing is going to change. Meat is here to stay regardless. It is permanently engrained as part of religions, traditions, family gatherings, holidays and social expectations.

Thus unless they are planning to get rid of Christmas, Thanksgiving, livestock farming as an industry, all social activities that call for eating meat - and kill all the omnivores - then the way people eat is not going to change.

And honestly, I am tired of vegans trying to force their "food religion" on to other people. Because that is really what it is. They believe animals have souls and that we humans have souls too. Here is a news flash for you: NONE OF US HAVE SOULS. When we die, we just die. There is nothing afterwards.

They need to take their "food religion" and shove it up their organic free-range pesticide-free cruelty-free assets.

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