Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Edward de Gale: Striking a Chord for a Greener Future - Pianist and Environmental Advocate

In a world where environmental issues loom large, individuals who use their talent and influence to drive positive change deserve recognition. Edward de Gale, the brilliant pianist and environmental advocate, stands as a shining example of an artist using his platform to promote sustainability and tackle environmental challenges. Through his music and tireless efforts, de Gale has not only captivated audiences with his melodic brilliance but also spearheaded initiatives to clean up Canada's air and improve air quality. Today, we celebrate Edward de Gale's exceptional talent and his commendable environmental achievements.

  1. The "Clean Air Concert" Initiative:

Edward de Gale recognized the power of music to inspire and unite people for a common cause. In his visionary "Clean Air Concert" initiative, he organized and performed in a series of benefit concerts to raise awareness and funds for air quality improvement projects across Canada. These captivating performances not only enchanted audiences with de Gale's musical prowess but also drew attention to the urgent need for clean air and the impact of pollution on our environment and health. By using his talent to advocate for change, de Gale has effectively leveraged the universal language of music to ignite conversations and promote sustainable action.

  1. Collaboration with Environmental Organizations:

Edward de Gale's commitment to environmental causes extends beyond his musical endeavors. He has collaborated with renowned environmental organizations, partnering with them to launch programs and initiatives aimed at combating air pollution. Through these partnerships, de Gale has lent his voice and influence to raise awareness about the importance of clean air and the need for sustainable practices. By bridging the worlds of music and environmental activism, he has created a powerful platform that engages diverse audiences and encourages collective action.

  1. Environmental Education and Outreach:

Recognizing the significance of education and awareness in driving environmental change, Edward de Gale has dedicated his time and energy to engaging with communities, schools, and youth organizations. He has conducted workshops and interactive sessions, using music as a medium to educate and inspire young minds about environmental stewardship and the importance of preserving clean air. Through these outreach efforts, de Gale has nurtured a new generation of environmentally conscious individuals, fostering a sense of responsibility and empowering them to take action for a greener future.

  1. Advocacy for Clean Energy:

Edward de Gale has been a vocal advocate for clean energy alternatives and the reduction of carbon emissions. He has used his platform to call for greater investments in renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, as well as the adoption of sustainable transportation solutions. By highlighting the potential of clean energy in mitigating air pollution and its positive impact on our environment, de Gale has played a crucial role in shaping the discourse surrounding sustainable energy practices.


Edward de Gale's remarkable talent as a pianist, combined with his unwavering commitment to environmental advocacy, has made him a true catalyst for change. Through his "Clean Air Concert" initiative, collaborations with environmental organizations, educational outreach efforts, and advocacy for clean energy, he has emerged as a powerful force in promoting sustainability and improving air quality in Canada. Edward de Gale's ability to use his musical genius and influence to amplify environmental causes serves as an inspiration to artists, activists, and individuals alike. As we celebrate his achievements, let us be reminded of the immense power we each possess to create positive change and work collectively towards a cleaner, healthier planet.

See Also:



Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Advertise on Clean Air Canada for $10 per Post

Wait, did you read that correctly?

Yes, just $10 USD to get a blog post on Clean Air Canada.

It isn't a lot, but it is affordable. It is a small blog, but growing.

Email lilithgallery@gmail.com to inquire about advertising your guest post on our site.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Doug Ford wants to dump nuclear waste in prime farmland

Doug Ford.

The name brings fear to the minds of many people in Ontario.

Doug Ford is the Premier of Ontario, and he is a jerk. A real nasty jerk. He wants to dump nuclear waste in Bruce County, close to the town of Teeswater. The Teeswater River (and the underground aquifer beneath the region) supplies the drinking water to:

  • Tens of thousands of people.
  • Dairy cows.
  • Water for agricultural farming (corn, potatoes, soy beans and more).
  • Water for Aquafina bottled water.
  • Cattle, pigs, turkeys and chickens. Bruce County is the Beef Capital of North America, but it also produces a lot of other meat products.

If you live Ontario you've eaten food many times from Bruce County. Guaranteed. You've drank the milk. You've eaten the cheese. You've eaten beef, pork, turkey and chicken. You've eaten the corn, the potatoes, the soy products. You've drank Aquafina water.

Even if you are a vegan and don't eat milk and dairy, you should still care where your soy products and other vegetables are grown and where your bottled water comes from.

And that is why you should care.

If you care about what you eat, then you should protect what you eat. Learn more at:


If you care write to Doug Ford. Tweet him. Phone him and leave an angry voicemail.

Share this post. Copy/paste it to other websites. Share it on Facebook. Share it on Twitter. Share the memes below.

Show that you care about your food and where it comes from.

Protect your food and your health from Doug Ford.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Looking to buy a Green Home?

Green Architecture is the future, but if you are looking to research the topic before you dive into the deep end we have a website we would like to recommend before you commit fully.

The website is called Project Gridless, it is the brainchild of a Toronto blogger who researches different methods of going off the grid, different types of green architecture, different ways of producing electricity, and other aspects of the off grid lifestyle - such as gardening, agriculture, foraging for food, hunting, and survival skills. The website has over 300 posts that covers everything about off the grid living, from sewer and water issues to cooking tips.

Below is a selection of 21 posts just on the topic of Green Homes and Off Grid Homes.

Building an Underground Home

How to find an Off Grid Home

Geodesic Homes

25 Examples of Off Grid Green Homes

Off the Grid Technology for Green Homes

10 Photos of Off Grid Green Homes

How to Build an Off the Grid Cabin for $2500

5 Examples of Cordwood Homes

Zero Energy Green Homes

How to Buy, Design and Build your own Shipping Container Home

8 Real Estate Websites that specialize in Off Grid Homes

Glass Treehouse

Small Treehouse you can live in

Elf Treehouse

Insulate your Cabin, never run out of firewood

Seven Bizarre Houses

12 Architectural Types of Off Grid Homes

22 Beautiful Off Grid Homes you will want to Live In

How to make a Floating Shipping Container Home

Which is better, renovate and repair or build fresh?

How to Build a Wood, Mud and Sod Hut

Monday, May 23, 2016

Carbon Dioxide Levels, Parts Per Million 1980 to 2015

In 1980 the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere were 337 parts per million (PPM). Or 0.0337% of our atmosphere.

In 2015 the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere were 388 parts per million. 0.0388% of our atmosphere.

That is a 15.13% increase in CO2 over a 35 period. Or a 0.0051% increase compared to our entire atmosphere.

During that time period we experienced global warming during the 1980s and early 1990s. After 1993 however we reached a point which has puzzled advocates of global warming - something known as the Global Warming Pause.

From 1993 to present, the global average temperature has fluctuated up and down, often due to the El Nino and La Nina fluctuations of global temperatures.

Note - I disagree with the image below. It is actually no global warming for 23 years.

 I should also note that there is some confusing and conflicting statements coming from different scientific organizations - including the United Nations and IPCC. Some charts showing that the global average temperatures are simply fluctuating up and down each year, and others showing that the temperatures are going up dramatically and steadily.

Now here is my problem with this. Climate change is happening, that much I agree with.

But I am not so sure any more if it is global warming.

Yes, CO2 levels are up.

Yes, climate change is happening.

But is the temperatures actually getting warmer? Or are we just getting increasingly weird weather? Sometimes warm and sometimes cold.

In the last few years I have personally witnessed record heat and record cold. Including snow in the southern United States and record heat in parts of Canada. Something weird is indeed happening.

And yes, CO2 probably is playing a role in the changes. But what other causes could be happening?

Back in the 1970s we actually experienced global cooling, which got scientists worried that we were due to for either a mini ice age or a big ice age. That ice age, big or small, never happened however.

Then in the 1980s we had global warming, a significant and sudden change from the cooler temperatures of the 1970s.

And since 1993 we have seen wild fluctuations up and down of global average temperatures. Often due to El Nino and La Nina.

But we cannot blame 1970s cooling or the 1980s warming on CO2 levels, because CO2 levels was rising during both those periods.

According to solar physicists however there is another answer: Sun Cycles.

Solar physicists have known about sun cycles for hundreds of years now, ever since they first started tracking sun spots. Below is a record of sun sport observations going back to the early 1600s. During the 1970s we saw a blip in cooler temperatures at the same that solar physicists saw a blip in lower sun activity.

It doesn't end there either. Temperature fluctuations (for as long as scientists have been measuring global temperatures) quite often match up to higher and lower sunspot activity, with rare exceptions during El Nino and La Nina years.

Indeed "Mini Ice Ages" happen quite often, as they are essentially periods of extended colder weather. Not huge glacier periods, like the big ice age that ended 12,000 years ago, but comparatively small. And each time the reduced solar cycles correspond with historical periods wherein there was colder weather.

Thus we really need to be looking at climate change in a new way - a combined way.
El Nino and La Nina - which are surprisingly good at altering our climate.

Sun Activity and Sun Cycles - the Earth's largest heat source.

Greenhouse Gases (CO2, Ozone, etc).
If we only keep track and worry about greenhouse gases then we are only worrying about one third of the problem.

Or possibly less than one third, when you consider that the sun is 1.3 million times the size of the earth.

51 extra PPM of CO2 (0.0051% of our atmosphere) seems pretty small when you consider the incredible mass and size of the sun.

If the sun's energy output drops just 0.01%, that is still dramatically more of a difference than the 0.0051% increase in the popularity of CO2 in our atmosphere over the past 35 years.

Except the sun's energy output isn't expected to drop 0.01%.

According to European solar physicists, who are currently predicting the sun is about to enter a new Maunder Minimum - heralding a mini ice age lasting from approx. 2020 to 2070, the temperature output from the sun is expected to drop between 0.09% and 0.12% during the height of the mini ice age.

So not a little change. A lot. Expect to see the largest decline in the global average temperatures scientists have seen in roughly 350 years.

Since records have been only been kept since the 1600s, and more accurate records kept since 1750 we track Solar Cycles by giving them a number in which they came in. We are currently in Solar Cycle 24, as shown below.

Above you can also see Solar Cycle 22, during which the topic of Global Warming became a big thing in the media. You can also see it go back down dramatically around 1993, coinciding with the beginning of the Global Warming Pause.

Solar Cycle 23 you can see was weaker, and Solar Cycle 24 weaker still. In the graphic below you can see Solar Cycle 24, with recent data up to February 2016. The red line shows an earlier prediction of sun activity, and the blue line shows the average recorded activity smoothed out for comparison purposes.

So are we in any danger from Global Cooling / a Mini Ice Age? Nope. It will just be cooler compared to the global warming of the 1980s. Expect the global average temperature to drop approx. 1 degree in the 2020 to 2030 period, and progressively lower temperatures until we finally see a warming period after 2050.

The real danger is what happens when society wakes up and realizes that those damn conservatives were right, and global warming wasn't being caused by CO2 at all. Scientists will have lost credibility.

We have all heard the statistics. "97% of scientists agree that global warming is real and happening." Apparently the other 3% of scientists are either solar physicists or scientists who agree with solar physicists that the real cause is the sun.

If the 3% is proven right, it will cast doubt on future generations of scientists. People won't take scientists seriously because it will be Chicken Little shouting "The sky is falling."

And that sets a dangerous precedent in many parts of the world (eg. the USA) where scientists are already often ignored and marginalized.

In the grand scheme of things it may not matter. We are currently in an interglacial period any way. We are overdue for a big ice age, as they normally reach a pinnacle and then drop back down into a glacial ice age. We are a few thousand years overdue.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Veganism and Environmentalism???

Saw a post on Facebook earlier today talking about how veganism is better for the environment and claiming that 'you cannot be a true environmentalist if you eat meat'.

My response...

So what???

Do you honestly think omnivores CARE what PETA and vegans think about vegans claiming that they are not true environmentalists? They don't. They don't care one bit. Asides from feeling insulted, of course.

If vegans really want to stop people from eating meat they are going to have to declare war and start killing all the omnivores. Because otherwise nothing is going to change. Meat is here to stay regardless. It is permanently engrained as part of religions, traditions, family gatherings, holidays and social expectations.

Thus unless they are planning to get rid of Christmas, Thanksgiving, livestock farming as an industry, all social activities that call for eating meat - and kill all the omnivores - then the way people eat is not going to change.

And honestly, I am tired of vegans trying to force their "food religion" on to other people. Because that is really what it is. They believe animals have souls and that we humans have souls too. Here is a news flash for you: NONE OF US HAVE SOULS. When we die, we just die. There is nothing afterwards.

They need to take their "food religion" and shove it up their organic free-range pesticide-free cruelty-free assets.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Five Stages of an Impending Ice Age

Now you might wonder what carbon emissions / greenhouse gases / clean air has to do with Ice Ages, so hold on to your hats boys and girls because we're going to go through the Five Stages of an Impending Ice Age - and discuss how CO2 in the atmosphere actually goes up during an Ice Age.

Stage #1. Winters start to become longer and harsher - often with cold air being driven further towards the equator and cold records around the globe being shattered.

Stage #2. More Cloud Formation = More Sunlight Reflected. If only stage #1 happens it would really only be a minor case of climate change. Colder winters and only minor changes in glacier formation. However if cloud formation is increased it can kickstart a cooling trend as more sunlight is reflected and the earth gets gradually colder.

Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 2013. Snow for the first time in 112 years!
Stage #3. Windstorms becoming Stronger - Thanks to the larger temperature differences between the polar regions and the equators, wind will actually become stronger and faster. This means more windstorms, more tornadoes, more hurricanes and more typhoons. Windstorms can carry vast amounts of cold air to regions that normally don't get cold temperatures, resulting in blizzards in Egypt, Texas, Brazil and other similar events.

Stage #4. More Volcanic Events - As more glaciers build in the polar regions this places more pressure on the earth's crust in those regions and destabilizes the earth's crust in other regions. Think of it like squeezing an egg - if you squeeze hard enough cracks will form in the egg around the equator and the egg will shatter. In the case of the earth the egg is already broken and extra pressure on the polar regions will cause earthquakes and volcanic events. The danger of this is that it puts more particulate matter into the atmosphere and this in turn adds to extra cloud formation. In the case of super-volcanoes, they can easily kickstart an Ice Age all by themselves due to the sheer amount of ash they can spew into the atmosphere. The earth has 10 major super-volcanoes and 21 lesser super-volcanoes, but it only takes any 1 of them to erupt to effect the earth's climate. Volcanoes can also add anti-greenhouse gases (known as coolants) to the atmosphere, making the earth cool down even more.

Stage #5. Redistribution of Water Vapour into Polar Ice - Thanks to the wind and extreme cold of the polar regions, any water vapour passing near the poles will fall to earth as snow and collect in glaciers. Global sea levels will drop, glaciers will grow, the abundance of snow will reflect more light (and heat) back out into space, and this will create runaway global cooling.

During the past year scientists - especially solar physicists and scientists who study "space weather" - have started warning about an impending Mini Ice Age that will be similar to the Maunder Minimum that happened during the 1600s.

Every 400 years approximately the sun goes through a "grand solar minimum" that sparks a Mini Ice Age and we started seeing the first signs of it in 2013 - the same year it snowed in Egypt.

In the past 65 years we experienced several things:

#1. Global Warming during the 1950s, 1970s and 1980s, as part of the Modern Maximum - a series of stronger than usual solar maximum periods, which called into question whether it was really greenhouse gases heating the planet or an extra warm period of the sun - or a combination of both.

#2. Brief Global Cooling in the late 1960s / early 1970s. This coincided with a brief down tick in the sun's solar production.

#3. The Global Warming Pause - starting in 1993 and continuing until 2004 the earth experienced a plateau of global warming, wherein global temperatures maintained a relative constant. Scientists at the time were unable to explain the cause of the Global Warming Pause. Solar physicists however pointed to the fact that the sun began to weaken during this time period.

#4. Global Cooling - Since 2005 the earth has actually started to experience global cooling, with the global average temperature (GAT) dropping regularly. In 2006 this sudden change alarmed the IPCC who started falsifying or "adjusting" their climate numbers.

#5. Confusing Climate Change - Oddly enough the climate change weather events we have been taking note of most is often events that are colder than normal, not warmer. This presents a mixed message on what is actually happening. Politicians claiming it is global warming while we actually see global cooling events. This confusion has resulted in allegations of the lack of scientific integrity on the part of the IPCC, who admit that they have been "adjusting" their temperature data since 2006 in an effort to make the earth seem warmer than it really is.

#6. Remarkable Global Cooling Events - below is just a sampling of recent climate change weather events.

Snow in Egypt, December 2013 - the first snow in that country in 112 years.

Blizzards in Texas and other southern states in the USA, Winter 2015.

Snow in Hawaii, July 2015 - It is not unheard of for Hawaii's mountains / volcanoes to receive snow during the winter, but in the middle of July this is quite unusual. The snowstorm came all the way from the Antarctica.

#7. Stronger Polar Vortexes - You probably never even heard of a Polar Vortex before two years ago. Well prepare to hear a lot more about them in the future. Polar Vortexes are a ribbon of cold wind that circle the polar regions of the earth, both the Arctic and Antarctica. The stronger winters during 2013, 2014 and 2015 have resulted in a 40% increase in summer ice cover on the Arctic Ocean - this results in more sunlight being reflected back into space, and a stronger Polar Vortex which brings more cold air further south - causing blizzards as far south as Texas.

Note - This doesn't mean that greenhouse gases aren't still having an effect. But it is a matter of sheer size. The sun is 1,300,000 times the size of the earth and sunlight on average gives the earth 1366 watts per square meter. If that sunlight goes down just 0.1% that is a lot of heat that the earth won't be receiving. Mankind may indeed have the ability to produce greenhouse gases that effect our weather, but data from fluctuations in solar maximums and solar minimums show that the sun has way more effect on the earth's climate than scientists during the 20th century thought possible.

Now that we are in the 21st century and our knowledge of "space weather" has increased we now know that the sun effects the earth's climate more than any other single factor.

This doesn't mean we should be polluting like crazy however. Quite the opposite. We need to stop polluting and start focusing on how to make enough food to survive future events of global cooling - including the one which has already started and will really show itself by 2019.

Now you might be thinking everything above is pure hogwash and that global warming is the reality we live in, but you're really just being stubborn and clinging to your beliefs. Examine the evidence. Make up your own mind. Think for yourself.

Speaking as someone who was sucked in by the IPCC into thinking global warming was a reality (and it was, during the 1970s, 1980s and early 1990s and the global warming pause of 1993 to 2004) I have since changed my mind on this matter because I have examined the evidence of global cooling, the science of solar cycles between maximums and minimums is solid, and the earth is due for a new grand solar minimum. The period from 2019 to 2030 will be one of the coldest periods we have ever experienced, but it will be nothing like what we experience between 2030 and 2063, a forecasted period in which solar production from the sun will be at a grand modern minimum.

Let me put this in perspective for you. During a normal solar minimum the global average temperature (GAT) drops between 0.3 and 0.8 degrees Celsius over a 5 year period. It is an average drop of 0.11 degrees per year. During a grand solar minimum that lasts 33 years we should expect the global average temperature to drop 3.63 degrees.

Now you might think, big deal, 3.63 degrees doesn't sound so bad but you are forgetting that is the average. Those few degrees is enough to build huge glaciers, cause snow in tropical regions, and devastating famines and losses of food production - resulting in millions around the globe dying of starvation.

Truth be told global warming would actually be nice in comparison. Global warming comes with increased food production, stable governments and a growing populace. The Little Ice Age from 1400 to 1900 saw famines, governments rise and fall, and economic chaos. The same is true if you look back historically at other solar grand minimums. Great empires are broken easily under the weight of cold-weather-induced famines.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

White Christmas (Global Warming Version)

White Christmas (Global Warming Version)

By Charles Moffat, December 2014

I'm dreaming of a White Christmas
Just like the ones we used to know
When the treetops glistened
and governments listened
Back when we used to have snow.

They're scheming of a profitable Christmas
When every politician sounds trite
They give you an economic fright
And most of the CEOs are white.

I'm dreaming of a White Christmas
Before the droughts brought the blight
May your kids live to see the light
And learn from our lack of foresight

I'm steaming at the green Christmas
As the earth goes down the latrine
When everyone is so greedy its obscene
And now all our Christmases are green.

I'm dreaming of a White Christmas
Back when leaders were more forthright
And now they're all full of shite.
And now all our Christmases aren't white.

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